The Recollections of Lord Godric MacEuan on the First Crusade
Siege Master Volume 1
A young Scottish noble grows to manhood, earns a knight’s spurs and a barony, and ultimately becomes the siege master who recovers Nicaea, Antioch and Jerusalem during the First Crusade.
In 1072 King Malcolm III of Scotland has finally reached a peace of sorts with King William I of England. Young noble Godric MacEuan is raised, educated and trained for knighthood among the Scottish princes, and his life is ideal.
But his parents die tragically, and 11-year old Godric is enslaved as a blacksmith by his evil older half-brother Andrew, who hates Godric for his favor with the Scottish royals. Godric’s future looks bleak.
But the son of a great knight will stay no slave; so Godric frees himself and his friends by his own hand. His fortunes restored, Godric becomes a squire under Count Robert of Flanders during the Count’s historic pilgrimage to Jerusalem. That journey—and the men who make it—ultimately trigger the First Crusade, and set the world afire. And though Godric is still but a squire, it is his deeds that set the kindling aflame.
“Deus lo vult! God wills it!”
The book is fiction . . . but the story is true.
First volume in a five-book series. 490 pages. Published February 2014.